Working together to solve problems for the common good
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Since its inception the Internet has been touted as a medium with revolutionary potential for democratic communication. Although other media including television and radio have not lived up to their democratic potential, it is too early to dismiss the Internet...
The Liberating Voices pattern language is intended to help us develop the social imagination we need to better face the future as engaged and empowered citizens. Browse the...
The pattern language that has grown out of the Liberating Voices project is an integral part of the Public Sphere Project. The example below is one of hundreds of patterns developed by members. If you're new to the site, please browse astrill 安卓 安装包 and feel free to ask questions in the forum.
Citizen Diplomacy The unique powers of individuals to help overcome antagonism between nations by calming tempers, building ties, promoting reason and dialogue, or healing wounds is rarely acknowledged or promoted. Citizen Diplomacy offers the promise of peace by building on actual, hopeful and optimistic face-to-face encounters by citizens of the designated enemy states. |
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