The mission of the Public Sphere Project is to help create and support equitable and effective public spheres all over the world. We develop resources such as the Liberating Voices pattern language and eLiberate and sponsor events to further this aim.



Working together to solve problems for the common good

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Since its inception the Internet has been touted as a medium with revolutionary potential for democratic communication. Although other media including television and radio have not lived up to their democratic potential, it is too early to dismiss the Internet...


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The Liberating Voices pattern language is intended to help us develop the social imagination we need to better face the future as engaged and empowered citizens. Browse the...


The pattern language that has grown out of the Liberating Voices project is an integral part of the Public Sphere Project. The example below is one of hundreds of patterns developed by members. If you're new to the site, please browse astrill 安卓 安装包 and feel free to ask questions in the forum.

Citizen Diplomacy


The unique powers of individuals to help overcome antagonism between nations by calming tempers, building ties, promoting reason and dialogue, or healing wounds is rarely acknowledged or promoted. Citizen Diplomacy offers the promise of peace by building on actual, hopeful and optimistic face-to-face encounters by citizens of the designated enemy states.




Saturday, November 9, 2013 - 13:51

On November 7, Shelly Farnham and others organized a lively meeting of 40 or so Seattleites who are interested in using technology for social engagement and social change. Speakers included Kate Starbird (Disaster Events and Digital Volunteerism), Seth Vincent (Civic Hacking), Shelly Farnham (...

全通教育(300359)_公司公告_广东全通教育股份有限公司 ...:保荐机构(主承销商)民生证券股份有限公司招股意向书签署日期年月日6-1-3广东全通教育股份有限公司招股意向书发行人声明发行人及全体董事、监事、高级管理人员承诺招股意向书不存在虚假记载、误导性陈述或重大遗漏,并对其真实性、准确性、完整性承担个别和连带的法律责任。, Appropriating Technology, Big Tent for Social Change, Citizen Access to Simulations, Civic Capacities, Design Stance, Emergency Communication Systems, astrill安装包, Meaningful Maps, Open Actin and Research Network, Opportunity Spaces, Power of Story, Shared Vision


Michael O_Neill

As the means of communication have changed over the course of American history, so has the way public discourse has been carried out. National radio was a revolution that could put the voice of the president in every living room across the nation for fireside chats. With the rise of television,...

Appropriating Technology, Community-Building Journalism, Cyberpower, Digital Emancipation, Homemade Media, Intentional Networks of Alternative Media, Media Diversity, astrill吧, Media Literacy, Online Deliberation, Public Agenda, Sense of Struggle, Social Responsibility, Tactical Media, Voices of the Unheard

Recent Activity

江苏网络广播电视台_江苏卫视网络直播-荔枝网 - JSTV.COM:2021-3-5 · 荔枝网是江苏广电集团全力打造的专业互联网平台。提供江苏广电所有节目视频观看点播服务,并为用户提供时政、社会、娱乐等综合信息,综艺视频在线观看、互动交流等服务。

一个神奇的网站:2021-3-23 · 本站文章部分内容转载自互联网,供读者交流和学习,如有涉及作者版权问题请及时与我们联系,以便更正或删除。感谢所有提供信息材料的网站,并欢迎各类媒体与我们进行文章共享合作。


Liberating Voices
A Pattern Language for Communication Revolution

The Liberating Voices pattern language is intended to help us develop the social imagination we need to better face the future as engaged and empowered citizens. Browse the patterns in the book or see all of the patterns in the pool environment. 

Pattern Language Network Analysis

Marc Smith used the NodeXL tool to generate some graphics based on the pattern links in the book. Although these are preliminary they're still worth a look. Marc and I are planning more work on this in the near future.

Digital Storytelling: A cross-boundary method for intergenerational groups in rural communities

Abstract: Rural communities face tensions motivated, in part, by (mis)perceptions between homophilous groups. When tensions lead to conflict, crossing boundaries to give all parties an equal voice can be a challenge. This qualitative research project seeks to investigate how Digital Storytelling has the potential to act as an effective bridge across boundaries that occur within rurally-located intergenerational groups. Digital Storytelling, along with a selection of Web 2.0 tools, will be used as a method of communication in two rural Case Studies.

Civic Intelligence — Short Form 5-W

Fill in this form if you have something to describe that demonstrates civic intelligence and you don't have the time or energy to fill out the long form.

A project, product, campaign, etc. demonstrates Civic intelligence if it helps address one or more shared problems in a participatory, just, and sustainable way.